Expertise in
Renal (ESKD) Research

Dive Into Our Affiliate Model

Each year, DaVita Inc. treats approximately 40% of the total US end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patient population – about 210,000+ patients receiving dialysis — and more than 71,000+ patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). As a wholly-owned subsidiary of DaVita Inc., DaVita Clinical Research (DCR) can access comprehensive patient-level data to guide the design of your protocol, identify sites and quickly identify subjects for potential enrollment into late phase (Phase II-IV) clinical trials.

Our team has a 20-year track record of advancing kidney care and clinical trials, and brings exceptional depth of knowledge and clinical expertise. We employ a resourceful approach to late phase clinical trials in order to help you make confident decisions and meet your late phase study timelines. View DCR’s Late Phase capabilities at a glance!

What to expect with DCR® as your Late Phase Partner

  • DaVita Patient Data & Site Metrics
    DCR’s unique data-driven feasibility process requires higher-level resources and utilizes real-world data and site knowledge to deliver a differentiated product.
  • DaVita Principal Investigator Pool
    DCR has long-standing relationships with over 150 DaVita principal investigators with longitudinal metrics on sites regarding trial performance.
  • DaVita Feasibility & Enrollment Forecast
    DCR leverages the electronic medical record (EMR) data where possible to provide principal investigators with patient-level identified lists to enable enrollment and forecasting for the study.
  • DaVita Screening Targets
    Our targets are set based on the feasibility and electronic medical record (EMR) data. We seek to consistently meet or exceed those targets on each and every study we contract.
  • DaVita &  Site Start up/Activation
    We focus on performance. Our average time to IRB approval per site is 30 days. Our average time to CTA execution is 23 days per site.
  • DaVita Site Management & Enrollment
    Our Ambassadors are an extension of your study team and function as a counterpart to your project manager. The longstanding relationships with our nephrology partners is often the best tool to identify root cause issues that we can then work together to solve.
  • DaVita Drives Site Performance Execution
    A deep dive conversation into the inclusion/exclusion criteria, logistical nuances, and potential roadblocks is held between the DCR® team and the site in order to drive site performance.